This collection of more than 50 different delightful Christmas tree activities and crafts is sure to fill your holidays with joy.

When I was little, my most favourite thing about the holiday season was putting up our Christmas tree.

It was nothing grand. It was small, made of a metal frame with branches wrapped in plastic tinsel that you folded down to form the tree. It stood wobbly in a handmade base my mum had made years ago. With not much extra money to spend on anything growing up, we had that same tree from before I can remember to after I left home.

As a teenager, it somehow fell to me to put up the Christmas decorations. Looking back now I'm not sure if it was by want or need, but Christmas represented a magic that was often missing from my childhood.

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50+ Christmas Tree Crafts To Make This Christmas | you clever monkey
That love of Christmas continues now with my own family. The building of traditions - putting up the tree to High School Musical (?), creating a handmade Advent calendar each year and taking it in turn to host Christmas lunch at our house every other year.

Arguably I felt more grown up buying my own Christmas tree than I did my first car or first house. 

To celebrate the coming holiday season, I've collected more than 50 of my favourite Christmas tree crafts and activities to create this Christmas.

Create your own button up Christmas Tree like Buggy and Buddy.

Stack buttons to create mini Christmas trees.

Make your own mini Christmas trees that smell divine!

Decorate our printable Christmas trees with colourful loose parts - buttons are perfect!

Use some large buttons to recreate this Christmas Tree sewing invitation from Paper And Glue.

Perfect for small hands to make - a yarn wrapped Christmas Tree

Every child should create some string art! We love this Christmas Tree version from Happy Brown House.

Use some recycled materials to create this plastic lid thread invitation from I Heart Crafty Things.

Lots of lovely threading to create this felt Christmas Tree from Coloured Buttons or try these simple pop-stick and felt trees to make.

Felt is a favourite material of mine so I love these mini felt trees from Buggy and Buddy. They remind me of this large felt tree I made for my own toddler a few Christmases ago.

Build fine motor skills this Christmas creating these folded paper trees from Krokotak.

Add a pop-up Christmas tree to your cards this year from Red Ted Art.

Try these gorgeous folded paper trees from Paper and Glue.

Fold some lightweight card to create these 3D standing trees or make this origami Christmas tree as big as you like from Origami Maniacs.

Want it smaller? Try folding this paper Christmas tree bookmark.

Bring some Christmas cheer to your math centres! Ideal for young children learning to count, Christmas tree math invitation from And Next Comes L.

Build fine motor strength while practicing counting by creating this invitation from The OT Toolbox.

Just add some pattern blocks to our Christmas challenge cards.

Cut, order and count this Christmas tree craft from Mom Inspired Life.

Or throw a dice together with some colourful counters to race each other to decorate your Christmas tree using these FREE printable mats.


Christmas Tree cutting from The Creative Classroom.

Make your cardboard Christmas tree sparkle like Housing a Forest.

Torn paper Christmas tree from Thinking Outside The Sandbox.

Create a colourful Paper Christmas Tree or use larger paper strips like Meg Duerksen.

Make your paper Christmas tree 3D like these from Twitchetts.

Make your sensory seekers happy with this contact paper Christmas Tree from No Time For Flashcards. Or try making this no-mess sensory tree from A Little Pinch of Perfect.

Create a Christmas Tree ball sort game for your toddlers from a large piece of cardboard.

Break out the paint to decorate your trees using this simple technique from hello, Wonderful.

Create some fake stained glass art to fill your windows with this Christmas. You can find the instructions here.

Paint some paper plates to construct these trees to decorate or make a spiral tree to hang and decorate. 

Or curl one up to make these trees to paint and decorate like Pink Stripey Socks.

Use cardboard to create these beautiful Christmas tree garlands.

Or try tying this scrap ribbon Christmas tree from Fireflies and Mudpies.

Get cutting some Christmas Trees like The OT Toolbox.

Squeeze some glitter glue into Christmas trees like I Heart Crafty Things.

Encourage children to use their pincer grip to decorate these pine cone trees from The Imagination Tree.

Thread some leaf Christmas trees layered leaves like Mother Natured or use pipecleaners and beads like I Can Teach My Child.

Grab some clay to make these Christmas Tree pinch pots or make your own batch of salt dough to create these fingerprint Christmas tree ornaments.

Thread beads onto some pipecleaners to create mini spiral trees.

Head outside and collect enough sticks to make this spectacular Christmas tree art.

Add some STEM to your Christmas making with this 3D Paper Christmas Tree cutting invitation from Mama Smiles.

Grab some cups to make this STEM Christmas Tree invitation from Little Bins For Little Hands.

Or for the sweet tooth, try building one from gum drops.

My children can't resist these tinker Christmas trees from Left Brain Craft Brain.

This newspaper STEM building challenge is a great activity for children of mixed ages to work together on.

Don't forget you can grab our Christmas Tree printables for FREE from here.